Run the codes: 1. Unpack the distribution wherever you like. It will create a directory called NetP/. 2. Start Matlab. 3. Set your directory as NetP/. that was created when the software was unpacked. 4. Important: Run the program with the following command lines in matlab, a. To test Rosetta dataset: type test_NetP_Rosetta Example: >> test_NetP_Rosetta set H running BC_Microarray_Data set H running iteration until convergence... running BC_Clinical running iteration until convergence... running BC_Combine set H running iteration until convergence... =============================================================================== Network Propagation =============================================================================== Microarray | Clinical | Hybrid =============================================================================== ROC score | ROC score | ROC score =============================================================================== 0.83333 | 0.86905 | 0.84524 ================================================================================ >> Descriptions: 1. NetDiff.m: Network Propagation algorithm. 2. BC_MC.m: Network Propagation algorithm using Breast Cancer Microarray data. 3. BC_Clinical.m: Network Propagation algorithm using Breast Cancer Clinical data. 4. BC_Combine.m: Network Propagation algorithm using Breast Cancer Microarray data + Clinical dadta. 5. Get_ROC.m: Calculating ROC scores. 6. Rosetta.mat: Rosetta dataset a. MC_data: Microarray gene expression data b. Clinica_data: Clinical data c. Index_231: Index of 231 important genes d. labels: Label information. Note: We fix the training data and shuffle the test data, and then report ROC scores. we also use fixed parameters for this demo. *Disclaimer: *This software is free only for non-commercial use. It must not be distributed without prior permission of the author. The author is not responsible for implications from the use of this software.